Addictive, quirky and retro RPG's!

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Are you ready to save the King's

You'll find treasures that include delicious healing cheese-burgers

Start saving the world of Yipe! today...
"I swear I'm not addicted to your game or anything :)"
-Whit J., Yipe addict
"Thanks! This is exactly the stress relief I need - just a little trip back to the good old days of PC roleplay."
-Ryan K.
"Three cheers for the mediocre king with weird priorities!"
-Michael S.
Yipe! V Web App
Attack of Idle Hands
An epic new RPG playable in your browser of choice, featuring simple yet uncanny gameplay... to provide you hours of escape form the drudgery of your own despair! New web version released in 2021!

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by L1QU1D - Version 1.1
Dec 18, 2009
The absolute best old school RPG in the app store!

Yipe! III
Download and start playing a Free RPG Trial version now!